English EFL

Improve your English skills and pass IELTS

I am a qualified EFL tutor. I have the CELTA diploma in TEFL and  I have taught EFL in 5 different countries to young people and adults at all levels.

I am currently based in the UK and I work  with adult learners of EFL.

I can help you improve your skills and confidence in English and  prepare you for  IELTS and other English exams.

It was the positive feedback from so many of my students, together with my enjoyment of the job, that led to set up my own tutoring business.

I can help you prepare for the following exams: PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS


I can help you:


improve your pronunciation?


improve your confidence?


get ready for a job interview?


7 top tips

KS3 French cheat sheet #1

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KS4 French tenses cheat sheet#2

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Enter your email below to get the free PDF 7 tips for IELTS speaking exam #3

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KS3 French #3

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KS4 Spanish tenses cheat sheet #3

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